Went to Con

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fromseatoshiningsea's avatar
So I went to the Vancouver anime expo:
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Dressed up in my long blue dress with red roses on it. Red puffs in hair with a gold sailor moon shaped tiara. Red glass bead.

Technically I wasn't dressed up but someone still asked for a picture and said they thought my dress was beautiful :iconcutesmileplz:

I met the artist who painted the background I'm using for my phone:Tamaonsen Touhou. I got two new art books from her. Super cool. I actually didn't know what medium she used so I asked and found out its digital. :P Has a very painterly feel to it. Dig it.
https://static.wixstatic.com/media/469c2a_3a14b397d205436b90bd2cc813a7f4b7~mv2_d_1632_1224_s_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_470,h_353/469c2a_3a14b397d205436b90bd2cc813a7f4b7~mv2_d_1632_1224_s_2.jpg Art book by : Tamaonsen Touhou (at least I hope that's the Name)

Got two fluffy skirts. The top layer is smooth and has anime designs. Super Tasteful design by Hawte Geek. Here's an image from their facebook:
Image may contain: 7 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor

Got two tee-shirts by Bibisama. Got a cool mouse pad too. It's a giant red cowboy bebop one. Forgot who I got it from tho. Two lacy chokers. A mastersword necklace for my my sister chelsea cuz she used to have a sword necklace then mom sanded the end down in middle school cuz it was unsafe and wrecked it lol :iconreallyplz:

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TotemEye's avatar
Yay! Good you had fun. Cons are awesome c: